Guest Post By Chloe D.
Written in May 2019
Beans beget beans. I don’t remember exactly when I first heard it, but if I had to pick one phrase to encapsulate my time with the Boston Children’s Chorus, that would be it: beans beget beans. The first time I heard it, I thought Dr. TK had gone insane. Why did we stop rehearsal to talk about legumes? What on earth have I gotten myself into? I quickly realized, however, that we weren’t actually talking about food, but instead about opportunity, hard work, and looking forward.
For those of you who aren’t familiar with the phrase, beans beget beans basically means that opportunities can lead to other opportunities, but you have to take advantage of the bean in front of you to beget the next bean. In rehearsal, we focus a lot on our big beans, like MLK and tour because we know doing well in these concerts can lead to other bigger concerts and gigs down the road. This “beans beget beans” mindset has definitely helped with the pre-concert grind. In fostering my love of music, BCC has also given me the discipline to work hard, be flexible, and keep my eyes on the prize. Just being in rehearsal and having those two hours to let go and dig in to something beautiful and meaningful with those I care about helps me de-stress, refocus, and re-energize. I definitely wouldn’t have survived senior fall without BCC.
Taking Advantage
But beans beget beans is about so much more than just the technical. Each and every time you step into a meeting, prepare a presentation, or start a rehearsal, you have the opportunity to make a difference, to touch someone’s heart, to be the best version of yourself. At BCC, I’ve seen the impact a song can have on an audience. I’ve seen the power of our intellect, and how my fellow singers enact change following a deep, mid-rehearsal conversation. We all joke about being “catalysts for social change” and “ambassadors of harmony”, but we say it for a reason; BCC and its singers are already changing our communities for the better.

I’ve never had a more supportive and loving space than a BCC rehearsal. Even on my worst days, I know that my friends and family at BCC will take me and love me as I am. But at the same time, my peers push me to be the best that I can be, musically and otherwise. The way their simple kindnesses warm my heart reminds me that there is no such thing as a small act; everything we do has the power to inspire those around us, even if it seems miniscule. All acts are beans that can beget kindness, understanding and love.
True Love
And, BCC has shown me what true love looks, feels and sounds like. Even when I almost gave up on BCC because of timing and schedules, BCC never gave up on me. Each and every person in BCC has made me the person I am today, and I couldn’t be more grateful for everything they’ve done for me. Whether it’s cheering each other on or supporting each other through the darkest of times, my choir is a family, fiercer and deeper than any other I’ve ever seen.
As a senior, the prospect of leaving BCC is utterly terrifying. What am I going to do without the people and rehearsals that are always the highlight of my week? But, one thing I’ve come to realize is that BCC will always be there for me. I couldn’t leave the BCC family if I tried, and I know I will always have a home at 20 Old Colony and wherever BCC finds its next home. And I guess BCC is a bean of its own, because I know that I can take what I’ve learned and loved here, and create music, change and love wherever I go.
About the Author: Chloe D. just graduate from the Boston Children’s Chorus and is now attending college on a full scholarship. While in BCC she served both as a section leader and co-president.